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Dr. Darío Juris

Plastic surgery

Welcome to the website of Dr. Dario Juris Lopez. If you are considering any cosmetic surgery such as breast augmentation, liposuction or abdominoplasty among other procedures, on this site you will find useful information that will help you decide which surgery is right for you.

Dr. Darío Juris

Plastic surgery

We have an interdisciplinary team headed by Dr. Dario Juris López, physician graduated from Universidad del Bosque, who had his specialization studies in General Surgery in the Medical Posgraduate Carlos Chagas Institute in Santa Casa Hospital in Rio de Janeiro for 2 years, and then the continued with his specialization in Plastic Surgery in the Clinic Ivo Pintaguy in Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) for 3 more years.

Currently he is permanent member of the Colombian Society of Plastic Surgery (SCCP), member of the International Plastic Surgery Socierty (ISAPS), Iberolatinoamerican Federation of Plastic Surgery (FILAPC), thus his experience with more than 4,000 surgical procedures, as facial as body ones, and with 14 years of experience long with his team, guarantees the high quality, safety and integral care to patients.

Dr. Dario Juris is a physician affiliated to several well-known clinics in Bogotá, such as La Colina clinic, Country clinic, Los Nogales Clinic, Shaio clinic, Dhara clinic, Mediport, some institutions where he performs his surgical procedures. Also he treats his patients in a particular way in his consultation office located in the 97 Street, #23-37, offices 708,709 and 710 of Dali Medical Center in the same city, where he carries out the assessments and controls of his patients.


Thanks to your extensive experience you can be sure that your life is in the best hands!

Member Effect of the Asociacion de Ex-alumnos Ivo Pitanguy
Member of the Colombian Society of Plastic Surgery
Member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery













Botulinum toxin

Hyaluronic acid


14 + 8 =

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