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Face Lift – Rhytidoplasty

Over the years wrinkles and face skin fall are produced, which is accompanied by muscular flaccidity of the face, changing the expression and accentuating characteristic folds of aging.

The word “lifting” English means “stretching” and then if performed on the face is called “face lift”. The lift should produce a “facial rejuvenation”, “a freshening of the face”, while maintaining the natural features. The facelift is the ideal surgical treatment to improve signs of aging.

It must be performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, specialist in aesthetics. In previous interviews the plastic surgeon, which should have an important sense of aesthetics, informs you about the real scope of the procedure chosen in order not to create false expectations. Preoperative studies have to be within normal parameters for sex and age in order to avoid possible complications.

Rhytidoplasty is the scientific name of the facelift, which can be performed under local anesthesia and sedation assisted by the anesthesiologist for maximum patient comfort, or general anesthesia, depending on the case and type of patient to be treated.

This procedure is intended to remove the excess of face skin and correct facial angles that can be found altered by the effects of gravity, aging either in skin or bone.

In the initial consultation your surgeon will evaluate your health, important medical background and will evaluate your facial features determining which option is best for you.

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