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Resection of Bichat balls or bags, or Bichectomy, as technically called, is the surgical procedure (indicated for both men and women) through which a plastic surgeon removes the fatty tissue, partially or completely, drying it permanently through a small incision of 1 to 1.5 centimeters performed in the oral mucosa (inside of each cheek), leaving no visible scars and with minimal discomfort for the person. This surgery is about 45 minutes long, which is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.

The surgery is not painful while is carried out, or in the subsequent period; It does not determine disability in everyday or work activities; It is safe, having a very low rate of complications or risks for the patient. It is possible to see the results since the first week post-surgical and is permanent. It has a reasonable economic cost and determines a high impact and satisfaction in patients who undergo it.

These are some of the cases in which you could be considered a candidate for Bichectomy – Surgery Cheeks:

  • The face has an excessive roundness that does not improve when the patient loses weight
  • When you want to highlight or mark cheekbones
  • If you want to give your face a more youthful look
  • When fat bags around cheeks give the appearance of overweight without existing.
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